Recovery: The Other Half of Training

When it comes to personal training, a lot of people only think about the actual workout. But just as important – if not more so – is proper rest and recovery. If you don't allow your body to properly recover, you'll never see results and you'll quickly become burned out. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of recovery and some tips to help you get the most out of your workouts!

In addition to taking time off, there are a few other things you can do to help speed up your recovery process:

  • Hydrate!

Drink plenty of water: dehydration can slow down your metabolism and impair your ability to recover properly

  • Get them ZZZ’s

Get adequate sleep: most people need around eight hours of sleep per night for optimal recovery

  • Eat the Rainbow

Eat healthy: eating a balanced diet is essential for overall health and proper recovery. A great way to incorporate balance is to make sure you’re eating multiple colors of veggies and fruits at each meal! And no, eating the rainbow does NOT refer to eating Skittles

  • Incorporate Anti-Inflammatory Foods!

Supplement with omega-three fatty acids: these help reduce inflammation and promote healing! Also consider adding in these foods:

  • Blueberries - Incredible # of antioxidants

  • Walnuts - Awesome source of Omegas

  • Turmeric - powerful anti-inflammatory

  • Stretch

Stretch: stretching after a workout can help lengthen muscles and improve flexibility

  • Roll it out

Use a foam roller: this is a great way to massage tight muscles and reduce inflammation

In short, proper rest and recovery are just as important as the actual workouts themselves. By taking care of your body, you'll be able to see better results and avoid burnout. So make sure to focus on both sides of personal training – the work that you do in the gym and the time you take off to recover!


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