Make This One Change to Change Your Life…

There are countless ways to make an impact on your health and your life. You can incorporate supplements, increase your protein intake, sleep more deeply, spend time in nature, drink more water, and the list is never-ending.

But there is ONE - that’s right, ONE - change to make to really grab the bull (bull meaning your health) by the horns and create a life you love


Yes, I said it. And yes, it’s a hurdle. But guys… the benefits are incredible.

So, why is cooking for yourself (and maybe your family) at home a game-changer in the wellness routine?

  1. You know your ingredients and you know exactly what you’re eating

  2. You understand the quality of your ingredients!

  3. You get to avoid known irritants and allergens

  4. You can start playing with new ingredients and start playing with your food, ingredients, recipe! Get creative and intimate with your food!

  5. This is how we learn to LISTEN TO OUR BODIES - we start to listen when our body says things like “hey, I didn’t like that new ingredient you added last night” or “wow, I feel great after that combination of food you gave me”

    When we eat out/order in, we don’t know what we’re getting. So we don’t always understand why we feel the way we feel.


Wellness Points!


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