Wellness Points!

What would you do to live your dream life? How awesome would it feel to wake up in the morning and have so much energy that you’re bouncing out of bed to get the day started?

Combining the theories from Atomic Habits, Ikigai - The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, and my experience as a wellness coach, I’ve developed a system to help get you to where you want to be, one step at a time.

Wellness is a combination of all the small things we do on a daily basis. At the same time, if we don’t do all these things we set out for ourselves, the perfectionists in us feel like failures. You skip your workout on Wednesday, and then decide “screw it! I can’t do this anyway!” and then just resolve to start new either the next day, or the next week, or the next month, or the next year. Day after day.

Does this sound familiar?

Atomic Habits teaches us that to create good habits, we need to build on previous ones, a notion called Habit Stacking. One big theme that I go over with my clients is exactly HOW to do this and HOW to incorporate this habit stacking into your routine. One thing that always trips us up is if we forget one habit on a particular day, it ends up throwing the rest of our day out of wack.

Enter - Wellnes Points! Instead of trying to do every.single.thing on every.single.day, we assign a certain number of points to each habit. For example, working out is 5 points, eating breakfast at home is 1 point, meditating is 2 points, reading for 20 minutes is 2 points, etc. etc. Then, we tally up the total number of points that are possible to “win” in a day.

Instead of winning ALL the points every single day, we set a goal for ourselves - Week 1, we’ll hit 20 out of 60 points. Week 2, we’ll hit 21 out of 60 points, and so on!

Simply come up with a few habits that you want to incorporate into your daily life, and use this template to create your blueprint! For example, here’s mine.

You can download your Wellness Points Tracker here. I’m so excited to start working with you, using this points-style system!


Just The Tip


Make This One Change to Change Your Life…