Keeping On Top of Those Resolutions?

Hey Besties.

It’s January 17th. 17 days down, 348 days to go, of this beautiful year. How are you doing with your resolutions?

Are you smashing them daily, or is it more of a slow burn?

Are you bogged down in the day-to-day, or are you able to see a light at the end of the tunnel?

A few of my favorite mantras as we progress through this time of goal-getting, goal-keeping, and goal-smashing:

  • Done is ALWAYS better than “perfect.” So many of us give up before our projects/goals even see the light of day. So if we’re completing something, at least it’s DONE and can be out there. You’re already ahead of the pack

  • Give yourself grace to move freely throughout your day-to-day, to be present and from there, expand to tackle that goal

We’re all a work in progress (especially me… let’s see how much longer this regular blogging/emailing thing will go on!). We have many more days ahead in 2022 to get those goals accomplished - stay positive and be kind to you.

If you need physical support, an accountability buddy, or just someone to vent to about not knowing which protein powder to buy, you know where to find me.




Make This One Change to Change Your Life…


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